Patient stories
Martha, Greece
My name is Martha and I live in Athens, Greece. I’m 39 years old and I have had myopia since I can remember. I’ve worn glasses for 35 years and contact lenses for around the last 25 years.
My current myopia is at -15 and -14 and I was diagnosed with myopic choroidal neovascularization (mCNV) when I was 32 years old. Since then I struggle with everyday limitations that have to do with the lack of my vision.
I visit my ophthalmologist regularly, sometimes more often that many of my older relatives and every time that a lacquer crack causes bleeding in my eyes, I’m treated with an anti-VEGF EYLEA injection.
I work as a teacher in primary school and am in the process of completing my PhD in Psychology, so you can easily understand that my vision is a very important factor in my profession. My speed and performance have been reduced and the tasks that I can accomplish have sadly changed.
In my everyday day life, at the young age of 39 I’m often too scared to drive when it’s dark, I check my vision at least 10 times per day and I live with the constant fear of losing my vision. I keep looking at my daughter in order to memorize every single feature of her face, every single mark or mole because I don’t know when my eyes are going to betray me.
I hope for a cure one day in the future so that I can take full advantage of my potential.